Saturday, December 21, 2013

My Heroes... Ken Hutcherson...

This past week, Ken Hutcherson passed away at 61 due to cancer. He was a remarkable man. I'm so grateful I was given the opportunity to learn about him. Things I learned from Hutch:

"Critics? I eat them, for breakfast, without milk." I interpret this as meaning face the critics, no running away, no procrastinating, no pretending they aren't there. Put them behind you, without anything fancy or softening them. Be done with them and move on with the day.

"The greatest blessing in the world is to be disliked by the right people... Have critics for the right reason. Is it easy? Absolutely not. Is it wanted? Absolutely not... Quit whining... Get to it."

He gave me a whole new perspective on the story of Lazarus.

"Love often waits." Jesus could have saved Lazarus from dying. He didn't. Mary and Martha blamed Him for their sorrow because He didn't come right away. Jesus loved them anyway.

"Love sometimes weeps." Many think Jesus wept for the sorrow of His friends. Isn't it more likely He wept knowing He was bringing Lazarus back from Paradise, knowing the pain and sorrow his friend would endure? "Sometimes, God weeps along with you but not for the same reason."

"Love always works."

Mark, in his discussion with Hutch, was lead to the question, "Do I trust God to love me the way He wants to love me?"

"God loves you. Give Him the opportunity to prove it to you."

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.