Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Follow up on sleep...

I'm discovering something I never expected. More important than hours of sleep, for me, is how I sleep. I've moved over in the bed so I'm closer to the wall than edge I roll out of... probably a good thing I sleep alone... Actually, sleeping close to the wall, I have an oversized stuffed floppy dog and pillows behind me. I like having something at my back. Happy, my aromatherapy dog, is tucked under my cheek, so my nose is right there. My new Christmas Teddy Bear is the perfect size for holding. A pillow is too big, and nothing at all causes trouble with curling my arms in too much. I'm sleeping so much better now. I think... then again, I keep wondering if it isn't so much this or that as a whole bunch of little things.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.