Friday, February 7, 2014

Feeling a bit off...

Coughing a little. Tired. I don't think it's serious. I downed an allergy pill. We'll see if it helps. If it does, then *whew* done. :-)

I've started in on the next project, a novel-length vintage. As I stared at the document yesterday, with a grand total of five words typed (the title and by author name), I wondered what I was thinking. Then, I opened the original document. Several pages and a little information... and the story unfolded in my head. A quick trip to my board on Pinterest, and now it's simply a matter of writing it all out.

Thanks God.

Yes, it's a writing day.


  1. I'm "off" today, too, with a bit of a cold. It could be worse, so I'm trying to soldier on, since I have places to go and people to teach today. ;-)

    Was your trip to your board on Pinterest for a relaxing break before settling down to write, or do you keep things there that spark your imagination? I know that with some of the writing projects I have, if I have an actual picture that fits the idea in my head, I can really get inspired!

    1. Yes! Too much to do! May you be blessed!

      Pinterest is a great quick break, if I time myself. LOL! I actually have boards for my books. When I send a Cover Art form to my publisher, I include the link to my Pinterest board for that book. Going to my "Finding Home" board reminded me of all the ideas I have for it. Yep, very inspiring.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.