Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Reading disappointments...

I've read a dozen books in the last week, most of which I haven't finished. I've added the authors to my No List and deleted the books from my Kindle. Historical novels that use modern language. Romances that aren't because violence is part of the courtship. It isn't romantic. It isn't enticing. It isn't healthy. Insane thinking that people are able to separate physical from emotional. The only ones who can do that are the ones who are able to turn off their emotions entirely. Really, really, not healthy. Lots of detail without story. (I really worry about doing that one myself.) Stupid heroine. Stupid hero. Cheating: The impossible relationship is resolved in a magical fashion that doesn't exist throughout the entire book until the end. 20th century characters dropped into historical settings. (Something else I worry about doing myself.) I'm catching up on my reading, anyway.

As to my writing, Ian tossed me a plot twist. This book is proving to be the most difficult to write. I usually have an outline, an idea of the overall story. I don't. I thought I knew what it was about. I don't. For the first time, I have no idea how the story is going to end, and it's only a fifth finished and it's due in two weeks. God have mercy on me.


  1. Wow, that's a lot of bad reading! I agree with all your assessments about what makes it not readable!

    Praying for insight into what your characters are trying to tell you so that you can write their story over the course of the next two weeks. Praying, too, for a nice outline that falls into place as you figure things out; having an outline is such a help for making sure you are on track!



Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.