Wednesday, December 31, 2014

I ate NO eggs alone this year.

Yay! And other good things.

Grace's Possibilities, from the Endless Possibilities series, was published.

Finding Home, from The Silver Locket Sisterhood series, was published.

All of my Desert Breeze Publishing books are available in eformat and paperback.

Two more books are scheduled to come out in January and February of 2015.

Chocolate Cake for Two, Valentine Delivery, and Tough Luck of the Holiday, USA series, were published.

I'm working towards preparing a paperback anthology of my novellas.

The fifth novella in the series is in the works.

I presented a workshop on "The Writer's Environment" at the Arizona Buildin' the Dream conference.

I participated as a reader at the Arizona Dreamin' Readers' conference.

Instead of abusing food, I'm learning to celebrate it.

I've spent more time with friends.

I walk six days a week and do my physical therapy.

I'm learning how to take care of me.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.