Wednesday, December 3, 2014

New tradition...

...maybe. This year, I'm doing one thing every day toward Christmas.

Add a decoration or work on a gift.

Share a Christmas quote everyday on my author FB page.

Old traditions:

I'm also making an effort to listen to Christmas music every day. I actually listen all year around but not every day. I love Christmas music.

My reading revolves around Christmas stories, old favorites mostly.

Watching Christmas shows, but only if they're worth watching. I know one of the television stations is showing a holiday show every day, but some of the shows aren't worth watching.


  1. These are good traditions! This year, I am planning to decorate our apartment a bit. In the past, we haven't done it because our decorations are stored elsewhere due to no storage space in the apartment, and we've often been too busy to "bother." However, this year I gathered some decorations and colored lights to put up -- hope to do that this weekend. Also, we're getting two full weeks off this year, so we'll be back up with our son early enough that we can actually get decorations up there before Christmas! When he was little, we used to start on December 1 and put up one decoration every day, and I miss that. I'll have to see if I can figure out something similar for the days leading up to Christmas, just for fun!

    Making cookies is also one of our traditions, which doesn't always happen if I'm too busy, but I've got to try to not let myself get that busy this year!

    1. I can't imagine you not busy. :-)

      Fun to know I'm using one of your traditions. My countdown calendar is up and my Christmas squirrel.

      Oh! I'm also using Christmas candles and scents. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.