Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Tuesday Follow Up...

How'd I do?

Tarnished Knight showed up for final editing, so that was added. I only managed to rewrite the first page. It needed to be done. Hopefully, the rest of the editing goes better.

I did paper and pen work on Faith's Labor. Hopefully, I'll be able to dive in wholeheartedly as soon as Tarnished Knight is turned in.

Reading is coming along.

The flashing lights from the outside lights have been traded out for blue and green non-flashing lights.

I also spent some time with the dog.

A pretty good day overall.


  1. You have mentioned a dog before -- where is this dog? One you meet on your walks, perhaps?

    1. The dog is my brother-in-law's dog. She's a sweetie. I go and play with her several times a week, at their encouragement. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.