Friday, December 18, 2015

Are you ready for Christmas?

I'm not. Not really. I have gifts to purchase. I have gifts already purchased but need to be shipped.

No Christmas music plays. No Christmas stories are being read, although I'm in Matthew right now.

ION television plays their indie movies on the weekend, and I do watch those. Some are pretty good. Most are pretty cheesy. A few of them are awful. I haven't watched my favorites.

My Christmas stories, the ones I save to read every year, are sitting on the shelf, untouched.

Secondhand Samhain is coming along much more slowly than I anticipated. It is coming along.

I fear Christmas Present, the next novella in the series, taking as long.

One more week. It isn't like it's a surprise. It comes the same time every year.


  1. Sorry you aren't managing to put your usual traditions in place -- that makes a person feel unready for the holiday, for sure. Is there any particular reason it's not happening? Not feeling ready in other ways can also make us not do the usual "rituals" -- I've had that happen to me when it's been a particularly stressful December.

    I'm hoping to have a quiet week leading up to Christmas this year, as we are free for the holidays starting tomorrow. I have a couple of things I want to do, like make cookies and finish up a bit of shopping. Unfortunately, I've been sick with the flu the last few days, so thinking about the energy it will take to do even a few traditional things has me feeling weary at the moment! Hopefully I'll have my strength back soon!

    Praying you can have a good weekend of settling whatever it is that needs settling so you can use the coming week for getting ready, by starting up your Christmas music and getting your Christmas stories down for reading!

    1. Thanks ((Margaret)) I pray you feel better ASAP. I want my writing projects done. Not going to happen. I think I will finish Secondhand Samhain today or tomorrow. I've never had so much trouble staying on task... it might be the loss of my job and needing a new routine. It's been almost two months, but it always takes me so long to process something new, especially since I've never done anything as long as that job. Maybe it's as simple as that. I need to email you. LOL! Thanks for the encouragement. It helps. God bless.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.