Friday, December 4, 2015

Brain Dump

Warning: This is my regularly scheduled opportunity to be snarky and dump all the weird little nattering in my head about a controversial topic.

*UPDATE ~ Trump decided to not only own the statement but add surveillance of mosques known to encourage terrorism, be it overtly or covertly. Lest we forget Boston.

Has anyone considered that some of us fear more the government making the demands? The government that has failed to protect its people, over and over again. The only job of the government is to protect its people, except the people have unwisely handed over a whole slew of other jobs to the government, which the government predictably has made a hash of doing. Lost and wasted money, redundant jobs, unwise stewardship.

This is what I wrote to "get it out of my head" the day the story broke:

Trump was accused of saying, "Register all Muslims." Sorry, but he didn't. The reporter kept asking him if he would, until Trump stated he wouldn't rule it out. That "lovely" biased media. Yes, I watched the clip. In my perspective, the reporter essentially twisted the story into what he wanted, putting the words in Trump's mouth. I also see how others disagree with that assessment. However, it also isn't the point.

The uproar is that he would create a secular national registry. It's wrong, they say. It's evil, they say.

So, why isn't everyone protesting these national registries:

If you signed up for the draft, you are in a national registry.
If you own a phone, you are in a national registry.
If you are in a union, you are in a national registry.
If you have credit cards, you are in a national registry for each card.
If you are able to acquire a credit report, you are in three national registries.
If you vote, you are in a national registry.
If you pay taxes, you are in a national registry.
If you have a social security card, you are in a national registry.

Who knows how many others you're in. Think of it, catalogs, emails, cable/dish, anytime you fill out an entry for a sweepstake in a national chain, anytime you apply for a loan.

Think of all the information the government already has on you simply by watching your spending habits or even what you reveal in your tax forms. The NSA has access to everything. What difference, at this point, does it make?

No, I do not advocate one more registry. Considering all the information available in what's already available, it would be redundant.

What shocks me more is that Trump's statement is what finally triggered the general dismay. What took so long?

No one quibbled about him declaring that he would make Mexico pay for building the wall. In fact, it was cheered. How is he going to do this? Over and over again, he declared that he would do what he wanted to do. All you had to do was vote for him. That's called tyranny.

How many complain about politicians being bought? He brags he's bought politicians.

So many have cheered him as understanding the average person. What average person says, "I got a small loan from my dad to buy some property in New York, a million dollars." A small loan is a million dollars in what average person's world?

Having said all that, I watched the 20/20 interview with Trump. He is compelling.

Side note: Trump has been saying what a lot of people have been thinking. If he were elected, hopefully he would ultimately choose to do his homework rather than go it on his own. So far, he has expressed his ideas and opinions. Free speech is still a Constitutional right. At the moment, it isn't illegal.

Having your feelings hurt is not illegal. There is no law to punish people who say stupid things, fortunately, or we'd all be in prison.

Okay, laying that one to rest. Whew.

Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.