Monday, May 3, 2010

Carpe diem... and reading list #8

Despite feeling like Paddy's flea, I was able to complete a few projects. Laundry~the never ending activity. Must not complain since it's only one or two loads a week. Checked various websites, commenting, here and there. Readied documents for work this week. Explored That's going to be a long-term exploration of my country's history with all that's available there. Learned about it through David Barton, who had spoken at Glenn Beck's American Revival. Amazing! Listened to Glenn Beck on the radio, today, and found myself laughing. He has a gift for tackling things what annoy me, and helping me not take things out of my control too seriously and focusing on what I can do something about. It was also interesting to have it driven home the importance of telling the truth, to yourself and to others, from another direction. In the Romance Writer's Report, Patricia McLinn shared her experience in dealing with her books being pirated online. Astonishing how many people willingly sell their integrity. The Risky Regencies group discussed the differences between writing romances set during Civil War times and the Regency Era. Hadn't quite realized how intensely I felt about that.

In the last week, I've been catching up with my reading a bit. Read a couple of books whose authors are now on my no list. Today, I delved into The Setup by Marie Ferrarella, who is on my must-buy list. The first chapter alone was worth the price of the book. She has a delightfully dry sense of humor.

All things considered, namely the fact that it was all I could do to focus on one thing at a time for more than a few minutes, it wasn't a bad day's effort. Oh! And started the wheels turning on a personal project. Very excited about that... for as long as I can remember it, anyway. Blessedly, sanity is returning, soon.


  1. LOVE IT! Completing stuff when you don't feel the greatest feels so awesome!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.