Sunday, May 16, 2010

Thank Goodness It's Sunday #8... and reading list #12

~Sleep, blessed sleep, with no dreams. Even better. Thank God.

~A/C The weather is heating up, and air conditioning is such a blessing.

~Learning new things about myself, with the help of good friends and exercising my God-given problem solving skills.

~Cool enough weather to allow berries to ripen for yummy jam. All these years, I've thought in terms of food preparedness and storage when making jam. I like my blackberry jam all right, but I prefer grape jelly with my peanut better sandwiches. However, I love giving it away, and most of what I've made is already tagged. It's one of those things I truly enjoy doing.

~And books! I've added another must read author after reading Mary Margret Daughtridge's SEALed with a Promise. It's book two of three. I will be starting book three, next. As book one was starting at $20, a used paperback, I've decided I can live without it. I'm a fan, but I'm also practical. :-) I read Rachel Lee's Serious Risks. She's also one of my must-buys. I started Underneath It All by Jennifer Manuel Carroll and Kathy Schultz. It's been educational and fun.


  1. Even though there is a little thing showing "O comments" at the bottom of the blog post called "Observations on the Internet" (or close to that), no matter how many times I clicked on the comments link to leave a comment at that, nothing would open for me to leave a comment. Soooooooo, I am posting here. I agree completely re: however we react to anything (including the Net) is 100% our choice.. it can be a good tool (the Net), or an evil one, depending upon how one uses it. And how true that we have the choice, daily, moment-by-moment, to see God's hand and His love in everything -- it's up to us. Wonderful post. So true. Must run, or late for work. M.

  2. Hmmm... wonder why. Thanks for popping in, Mary. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.