Thursday, May 6, 2010

Niggles and reading list #9

Had an interesting niggle to go to a meeting. I'd planned to go, intended to go, readied myself to go, and went part of the way, then had the strongest feeling I needed to return home. Only argued with myself briefly. There were things I truly needed to do at home, and they were done. So why did I feel the need to go at all? Why not save the time? I think it was in part following through on a decision, a decision that was fine. However, there was a better choice, and I had been so bent on my plan that I hadn't considered anything else seriously. I felt good for being willing to go, and better for choosing to come home. I also managed a bit of walk. The walk may have been what it was really all about. I know there are those who wonder why I gave up bicycling. I was losing weight. However, my hands would be tingling and then numb in less than a half mile. My flexibility increased, but since I quit biking I've never had that tearing sensation that feels like my body is being ripped in half across the middle. Don't miss that, let me tell you.

I read a couple of Kelly Hunter Harlequin Presents. Her sense of humor is wonderfully wicked, and she has some insights that speak to my own life experiences. I also started Sink Reflections by Marla Cilley. There is so much that doesn't apply to me that I wondered why I was bothering. Then came the God breeze, I'm very good at adapting. This will require major adaptions, but I think, in the long run, it will be well worth the effort.

My budget is taking shape, as sad as it is. I'm finding that dovetailing it with my pantry preparedness is proving to be extremely educational. No one can decide for me what I truly want in that pantry or how much I'm going to spend on setup. I'm learning to keep track of the deals, as in the cheapest prices, so that when a store offers a "sale" I can check my price list to see the cheapest I've been able to find a particular product. I'm also keeping track of not only what I like but some of the things I don't like, so I don't forget and buy it again, simply because it looks good. :-) Sadly, my poor blackberries are already being prematurely dried by the hot weather. Weeping. Weeping. Weeping.


  1. WEEEPING with you re: the blackberries!!! ARGH!!

    Judy makes THE BEST HOMEMADE BLACKBERRY JAM I HAVE EVER HAD. Judy, actually, I just realized you should sell it in little bottles at a local health food store/specialty shop/farmer's market. I would pay $5 per small tiny jar for it. It's that good. I suppose you could ship them in the mail to folks, but, then you always have to worry about breakage. If you sold locally, no problem.
    Just an idea..
    Sigh!! Great, great stuff.

    I enjoyed your comments today. I'm sorry I haven't been able to be here daily. I'm not online (in general) as much as I used to be. Finished paying the bills, which I had to drink coffee just to wake up enough to do. Tired x 10, but wound up, and having to wind back down. Cheers!

    Mary (not Anonymous, etc.)

  2. Mary, it's always a joy to see you! I've thought about selling it, but there are health regulations that making stuff in your own kitchen and selling to the public. I know lots of people ignore it, often not knowing, but I do, and I simply can't. They do make great gifts. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.