Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tough discussion...

Pets, as much as we would like them to, do not live forever.

I don't have to make this decision right now, but I have made it twice. Neither time was easy.

In Mark's Grace, coming out May 21, Grace worries about having to make the final decision. She's afraid to become a pet owner because she doesn't want to make the final decision.

Making the decision for my horse was difficult and yet not. He was deteriorating. When the vet told me he only had three grinders left and he would have to go to soupy alfalfa pellets, I knew it was time. This was my child who loved to eat. It was his joy in life. He'd had back pain and problems with colic his whole life. How could I take away one of his great joys?

I remember him pacing the fence when I brought his grain every morning. Hay was brought, and he was right there, first in line. I talked with my vet and my farrier and a lot with God.

It was an amazing experience letting him go, not easy, but I knew he was finally pain free.

My dog was a whole other story. I wish I'd had the list provided in the above article. I think it might have helped. It still wouldn't have been easy, but maybe I wouldn't have felt so much like I was guessing.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.