Friday, April 26, 2013

Whole30 week 3

Friday: Chapter 15: I hate olives. Really hate olives. A little on pizza is okay. Much of anything else? Not so much. I don't care for macadamias either. Yes, I have no trouble at all turning down a chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie. Bleh. Avocado is okay. I've tried adding them to my diet, and it's a nice change but wound up hating it when I had it day after day after day. Don't care for hazelnuts.

The oils I consciously choose: Coconut, butter, and olive. In that order.

Personally, I find this book far too complicated and in many ways unreasonable. From the way this is presented, I should be dead. The more I read the more magical it is. It might simply be the word choices. It's great if you have the money to spend on many of these pricey speciality items, if that's how you want to spend your money.

There are a lot of assumptions. Because a label says it is organic/humane whatever, doesn't mean it is. More than likely, organic doesn't mean what you think it means, neither does humane. It's amazing how flexible those terms really are. The only sure way to know what you're buying is to grow it yourself or know the farmer/butcher and know they practice what you expect.

Oh, boy. Joel has jumped on the drop dairy and grain bandwagon.

Why am I so opposed? Been there. Done that. I was miserable.

Do I follow the popular recommendations on how to eat dairy and grains (skim and whole)? No.

What do I do different? Whole milk and processed grains, removing the bran. Since I've changed from reduced fat milk to whole milk, I don't have near the trouble with feeling hungry. I've included grain and excluded grain. I feel better with grain in my diet.

I am suspicious of anyone who requires others to jump through hoops, even if they are willing to jump through hoops themselves. Hoop jumping is complicated and unpredictable.

Saturday: Chapter 16: Actually, I've learned to listen to myself, it's just that I ignore myself a lot or the old habits are louder. Nothing new and doing mostly, though not perfectly. Imagine that. What a surprise: use spices to spice it up. I can't eat most spices. Lucky me.

Chapter 17: It's only 30 days. Warning: This is not an allergy elimination diet. How do I know? Eggs are a common allergen, and yet they are on the okay list.

Chapter 18: The rules -- their plan, their rules. It only makes sense.

Chapter 19: The problem with re-introducing food is there are so many other factors going on in your life. Yes, I've tried this in my own allergy elimination diet. Imagine my frustration when I recently learned I have very little trouble with egg yolks. All these years, I've avoided eggs and all I really needed to be careful of were egg whites. Using only 1 day is not advisable. It can take your body up to 3 days or more to show symptoms. I can eat egg yolks once or twice a week, with at least 3 days between, without repercussions but definitely not every day. I've gradually cut corn from my diet, more particularly popcorn, and I miss it a little. Corn chex settles the craving, and I'm able to skip it for weeks at a time.

Chapter 20: I look forward to hearing about the long-term studies someday.

Chapter 21: Agreed, check out this diet with your doctor, especially if you have specific health problems.

Chapter 22: There wasn't really much of anything I haven't heard or read before. I hadn't realized how much study I've done on nutrition.

I think the program will work great for some people. I'm not sorry I read the book. I wouldn't buy it.

What I got out of reading the book?

I need to be more mindful of what I eat. I knew this, but this reenforced many of the things I've been slowly but surely changing in my life already.

Sunday: Reflecting: I'm still troubled by how mental, not physiological, issues affect a person's eating habits. Someone who has been abused will often hide behind weight. When I was biking over 100 miles a week, I lost a little weight. Someone I do not trust noticed and complimented me. I promptly put on 10 lb and then 10 lb more and 10 lb more. I was still biking over 100 miles a week.

Monday: Reflecting: I'm a bit baffled by the whole paleo thing. If you believe in Creationism, then you believe wheat and honey and milk are good things, wouldn't you? God says they're good. If you believe in evolution, regardless of whether or not you believe in God, then why would you advocate anything resembling a caveman-type diet?

Tuesday: Reflecting: My tummy is not happy. Why? What have I eaten the last few days? I've been pretty simple. I did try to up my fruit and veggie intake from 0-1 serving daily to 2-3 servings daily. Really. Bah. About once every year or two, my insides are so messed up the only thing that calms it all down is Pepto-Bismol. I know it's bad when the stuff is actually palatable. And yes, the last time this happened was when I tried to increase my veggie/fruit intake. *pfft* I'm also well aware that most people do not have this problem. Lucky me.

Wednesday: Reflecting: Feeling a little better but still stressed.

Thursday: Reflecting: Went to Sam's Club. Usually a downfall. They have lots of yummy food for a really good price, including the 100-calorie snacks of some of my favorites. I checked the packages, thinking I wouldn't be tempted because they'd have soy. Nope. No soy. I made a decision. I'd rather lose weight more. I bought what I planned and left. Go me!!

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.