Monday, May 5, 2014

Carpe Diem... Talladega...

NASCAR ~ Sigh. Carl crashed. So close to the end! He ended up DNF, does not finish, and in 30th position. Next race! Go Carl!

This week's goals: Make Jam.

Finish "Tough Luck."

Transcribing work.

Read. I'm currently reading Kris Tualla's A Discreet Gentleman book 3 and The Search for Significance by Robert S. McGee.

I need to be more aware of me, what lifts me and what drags me down. Release what drags me down and replace it with what lifts me. I want to uplift others and am only able to accomplish the goal if I'm reaching upward. Oddly enough, what some people consider a "drag" I find to be more like the arrow being pulled back in the bow. For me, it depends more on if it is the truth or a lie. If it's the truth, even the sad truth, the light is there and strengthens me. However, if it's a lie, the darkness feeds the anger and hate in me.

Yes, I know the story about the wolves. I also don't care for the story because I think it uses the wrong qualities. There are only two wolves.

One wolf feeds on the truth.

The other wolf feeds on lies.

Which wolf will you feed?


  1. Glad you got enough fruit for jam! How many jars will you get from your batch?

    Hope you still get a few more blackberries in spite of your hot weather. We've had raspberries in our yard in Wisconsin since we got the house there -- the last few years, though, they haven't even been worth picking. That's saying a lot when I won't pick raspberries! The weather has just been too weird for them to develop properly each year. Sad!

    Blessings on your goals for the day and for development of the awareness you desire!

    1. Aw, how sad. I love raspberries. I should end up with six or seven small jars. I'll even have enough left over to make blackberry syrup... maybe I'll simply use it as is to pour over cake. Mmmm... :-) Thank you for the blessing! God bless you and your endeavors, and your BIL's too!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.