Friday, May 16, 2014

Diet follow up...

Friday was not a great day. I finished off not-so-healthy food.

Saturday. Much better day. I enjoyed P.Croissant with my sister to celebrate Mother's Day. I enjoyed a Philly cheese sandwich for lunch. At dinner, I made a turkey sandwich. Since I didn't have any cranberry sauce, I used some blackberries. Yummy!

Sunday. Philly beef sandwich with some cheddar cheese and blackberry jam on toast for lunch. Turkey sandwich with blackberries for dinner. Slept through breakfast.

Monday. Hamburger and a turkey sandwich.

Tuesday, I was careful all day, and then I had fun. Pizza and ice cream. I don't do it often, so I refuse to feel guilty. Besides, while spoil the enjoyment? :-)

Wednesday, I was back to being more careful, though I ended up sidetracked. I made more jam. Woohoo!

Thursday, my list of foods I have available to eat is working for me. Did I mention I write down everything I have available to eat, on my Sunday reviews? I always list more than I could possibly eat, then I star them if I use them. It reminds me there is plenty to eat.


  1. Glad you had a day out eating fun things without feeling guilty! I like that idea of writing down what you have available to eat for the week. I think that would help me make better choices when the time comes to look for something when I'm hungry -- and would also help me know what's missing and needs to be bought. I'm still sorting out which days are bad for me and why. This past week has been out of the ordinary, so I'm not eating right at all. Even so, I still feel like I'm managing what goes in my mouth better than I was before! So I'm not kicking myself too hard. ;-)

    1. I discovered an unexpected side benefit. It's easy for some of my food to "expire" because I forget it's there. The list makes me more aware.

  2. Sounds like you are doing very well on your program. Guilt never did anyone any good. Life is also celebrations and food is a part of that~ hugs~

    1. Celebration is not my strong point, and I need to change that. God gave me Life, and Jesus provided the Atonement. Definitely worth celebrating! ((Cathy))


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.