Friday, May 9, 2014

Diet update...

Friday started out all right. Friday night I punished myself with food, and I continued the abuse through Saturday afternoon. The good news is I didn't beat myself up too much. Instead, I accepted I was punishing myself with food I knew wouldn't help me feel good and stopped. Saturday night, I started over, watching what I ate and not overeating.

On Monday and Tuesday, I ate too many cookies. However, I didn't eat all of them. Yes, I'm claiming that as a victory.

Learned something interesting on Wed. I'm better able to avoid the eating the whole bag problem if I divvy up the cookies into single-serving packages. A bit of plastic wrap will do. Why this makes a difference, I don't know.

Thursday I did better at rationing cookies. Again, divvying up the cookies into single-serving packages keeps me from mindless eating. Perhaps it's as simple as that. When they're loose in the package it's simply one more cookie and one more cookie... Wrapping them in single serving sizes, I grab a package and unwrap it knowing how much I'm eating. It's probably only a mind game, but an awful lot of dealing with life is mind games.

Time to start another week and see how I do.


  1. I had a diet fail yesterday. I knew going in to the day that it was going to be difficult, and then when I got overly hungry midday and there was nothing in the office to eat that was on my "good" list, I just ate cookies to prevent low blood sugar. They were at least oatmeal cookies with no frosting -- a victory! Then I visited someone in the evening who fed me a full course Indian meal that was all a diet no no. I basically gave myself permission to let yesterday go -- but I'm starting over today. :-) Praying for both of us that we can figure out what works for us!

    1. I think it's healthier to admit a fail and move on than to beat myself up about it. I'm starting over, today, too. Go us!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.