Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Follow up on the rest of me...

My ankle still looks like a tangelo has taken up residence. Walking is slow. I've managed to cut my time for my 1-mile walks from 30 minutes to 25 minutes. Yes, I'm cheering the reduction of 5 minutes.

The scrapes on my hands are completely gone.

The scrapes on my knee are almost gone. Only a couple are left.

My arm... BAH! I'm able to bend it more, but I still can't straighten it fully. So annoying. Sigh. I'm able to carry a 1-lb weight in my right hand. I suspect that's why I'm able to bend it more. I'll keep working.

Bougainvillea in the front yard:


  1. Praying for continued progress and improvement for your injuries!

    I adore this picture of your bougainvillea; brings back lovely memories of one of our houses in Pakistan, where we had them -- this exact color -- all along and over the top of the courtyard wall. They provided a nice extension to the wall to make it just a bit taller, and also proved a deterrent for anyone thinking of climbing over -- and they were just nice to look at!

    1. Thanks, Margaret!

      There are other colors, but this is my favorite. Fortunately, it's my dad's choice, too. :-) And yes, they have wicked thorns. The feral cats also like hiding under them. Safe is relative. :-D


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.