Friday, February 6, 2015

Brain Dump Follow Up...

...from last Friday.

The government is not charity. It was never intended to be charity. It is, quite possibly, the furthest thing from charity.

It's often been said by wise souls that government is a necessary evil, so keep it small. (paraphrased)

The government lies, cheats, and steals. Explain to me again how this is Christian?

The government subsidizes Planned Parenthood. Christians, by and large are not pro-abortion. Please do not spout the tripe about how Planned Parenthood also provides mammograms. Did you know that most clinics do not have the facilities for mammograms? They are abortion clinics. They make their money on abortions. They make their money killing babies.

The government funds social programs to help the poor. Consider this: Vans sent out into poor neighborhoods to offer assistance to the poor are swarmed, not for food or water, not for help finding shelter, not for guidance in finding a job, but for condoms. Yes, you read that correctly. Explain to me again how Christians want their money to go to supporting someone else's sexlife?

The government has arrested people for feeding the homeless and shut down church-run soup kitchens. Could anything be anymore anti-Christian?

Rule #1: Stop lying, especially to yourself.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.