Saturday, February 7, 2015

My Heroes... Thomas Lynch Junior

Thomas was in his mid-late 20s at the signing of the Declaration of Independence, and he wasn't the youngest. Rutledge was.

Fascinating history. His father, by the same name, was serving in Congress until he became ill and resigned. The younger Thomas Lynch Junior was elected and served for a brief period.

Unfortunately, neither man enjoyed good health. The younger resigned and on the way home, the elder passed away. Young Thomas' health continued to deteriorate. He was advised to move to the south of Europe. His wife, with whom he'd been acquainted since childhood, went with him. The ship was lost at sea and never heard of again.

He'd been educated at Eton and Cambridge and inns at the Temple. His father was wealthy. He could have had an easy life. Instead, he chose to fight for Independence. He was made a captain and recruited men until he was called to Congress.

At only 30 years of age: "Like a brilliant meteor, he beamed with splendor for a short period, and suddenly vanished forever."

The same will never be said of me, but I hope to do my part in the ongoing battle for man's right to choose for himself, a gift God intended from the beginning, knowing we would stumble and falter, providing a Savior because He knew.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.