Friday, February 27, 2015

Brain Dump...

I am Pro-Choice. Everyone has the right to choose. God knew we would make mistakes and would need a Savior, and Jesus volunteered. Jesus volunteered to die for every single person to ever live so we would have the right to choose.

I am Pro-Life. Life is precious, every single one. It's heartbreaking when people throw life away in suicide. I'm not judging them. It isn't my place. I don't know their story, but I wonder what they might have contributed if they'd hung on a little longer. Who might they have inspired? It's horrifying when one person murders another. It's sad when a person chooses to give up the battle to be better and allows himself/herself to settle for whatever comes their way. Not to choose is to choose. The ultimate in giving your power away.

I am NOT pro-abortion. Abortion is taking a life. Pretending it's anything else is dishonest.

When I choose to lie, even to only myself, I'm choosing to side with the adversary. There are no shades of gray in this. Choosing the truth is choosing God.

I know. It sounds pretty black and white. Sometimes, it is.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.