Friday, April 17, 2015

Brain Dump...

The campaign season has begun. Not looking forward to 17 months of ads, bashing, and lies. I know all about doing my own homework. I know a lot, if not all, stuff is taken out of content, twisted, and made up out of thin air. Honor and ethics are tossed to the wayside.

McCain announced his intention to run for a sixth term. Remember the campaign slogan he ran on last time? "It's time to build the darn fence." He failed to do anything to fulfill that promise. In fact, he all but tossed it aside. It gained him the office he desired, and he went back to doing business his way. His voting repeatedly reflected a man more interested in his political cronies than the constituents who voted him in to represent them. I've written and received numerous replies. From what I've read, he doesn't represent me. I regret voting for him. I won't make the same mistake again.

Clinton announced her presidential run. I'm horrified to know there are people who will vote for her simply because she's female. As a DA, she helped free a known pedophile and then villainized the 14-year-old rape victim. In an interview, Clinton laughed about the incident. More frightening is that it's only one of many ugly examples of her lack of ethics and any sense of right and wrong. She's accepted millions of dollars in funding from countries that stone to death rape victims and sell little girls into the sex trade. She lies without compunction. Arrogance is not self-confidence. It is not courageous to seek her own self-agrandizement. Who in their right mind supports someone who says she's for women's rights even as she undermines and demeans women?

I endeavor to keep an open mind, but I'm tired of compromising my values and voting for the lesser of two evils. I'm no longer willing to roll over for "what else do you expect from politicians?" I expect them to do their jobs. They're paid outrageous sums of money, with lavish benefits. I've made some horrible voting decisions because I didn't do my homework. It's more frustrating when I've done my homework only to learn they out-and-out lied.

It's difficult and maddening when politicians lie so easily to gain what they want, with no thought for the truth, for integrity, or for honor.

Praying for discernment and wisdom.


  1. We are waiting to see what Scott Walker decides to do. We have been very impressed with his success in Wisconsin, and he seems like the kind of practical, no nonsense kind of guy we haven't had in office for awhile. We shall see. In the meantime, it's really hard to listen to and watch the national media fawn over Clinton.

    1. I'm watching Walker. I'll make sure I bring the rumors to you for confirmation or repudiation. :-) As to the last, yes.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.