Saturday, April 25, 2015

My Heroes... Gentleman at the Post Office

I mailed postcards to some fourth graders collecting postcards from all over the world, in Scotland. The woman two people in front of me was mailing a box, but she hadn't taped it shut. One of the people at the counter informed her she had to tape it closed before she came to the counter. She was told to step out of line and close it, and then she'd be next.

It's a tough one-person job to hold the box closed and tape at the same time.

A guy a couple people behind me offered to help her. He held the flaps of the box closed while she taped. He smiled and chatted about how it wasn't easy and other inconsequential stuff.

The important part: The woman had been flustered. She wasn't having a meltdown, simply having a bad day. This complete stranger had her smiling and relaxed in moments.

I've helped others, in the past. It's an honor to make someone's day a little easier by doing something so small most people don't think of doing it. It does take a bit of courage, because not everyone wants help, and some aren't nice about making it known.

It was a bit of kindness in the middle of a busy day, at lunchtime. He made the day better for her and for anyone who appreciates observing someone being kind.

Wherever you are, sir, God bless you.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.