Wednesday, April 22, 2015

New Relationship with Food...

There is never one single solitary thing that changes my life. It's always a combination of things.

I knew I needed to lose weight. My relationship with food was never healthy. It was used to reward and punish me. I was deprived and stuffed. Feast or famine defined my relationship with food.

I fell, in March 2014 and again in February 2015. I messed up my right ankle and arm the first time and my right and left leg the second time.

I read The Jesus Diet, twice.

I read Redeemed Act I and II.

I finally figured out Faith's Labor.

March 30, 2015, it all came together in my head.

March 31, 2015, I went grocery shopping. I chose to not buy potato chips. I'm not buying junk foods like I was, not cold turkey but improved.

What else I'm doing at the same time, for about a week by the time I started this post on March 31: Use the finger massager across my back every evening; tennis ball rolling on the bottom of my feet, every evening; cedarwood/frankincense/lavender oil on my wrists before bed, along with an extra spray of lavender.

Breathing: 5 counts in and 8 counts out for almost 3 weeks.

Adding having my nephew work on my arm, which is improving. He also encouraged stretching.

I'm not losing weight, but I feel like I'm making progress, if that makes sense.

Yes, I waited a while to publish this. I wanted to see if it would stick.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.