Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tuesday Follow Up

So, how'd I do?

Thank you, Writers In The Storm! Challenge accepted. A total of 13,524. The End. Faith's Labor is done and off to editor. I have NEVER done that many words in a single day, ever. Yes, it was a re-write. I added about 4,000 new words, re-arranged, and made it a whole lot better. I started at 4AM and finished at 10:18PM Cali time. My brain is done.

See more pretty itty-bitties?


  1. Good for you, that's amazing! I'm interested in this sprint -- I've never done one myself, but it sounds like an effective way to write from time to time. Was it supervised or regulated in any way, or were you on your own for the entire day? Did you have a specific start and stop time? I should try something like this (for a shorter time period -- no way will I ever get a whole day to myself to write all day!) and see if I can make some progress with some of my writing projects!

    1. It started at 4 AM CA time and ended at midnight. This gave everyone a chance to participate, no matter if you're a morning person or night owl. Four people administered in shifts. Write for 45 minutes and take a 15 minute break, including posting your word count. Some of my time blocks has low word counts because I was eating lunch or dinner or had something else come up. Even if I only had 15 minutes to write in the 1-hour block, then I write for 15 minutes. Keep track of each hour's word count and add at the end of the day for the total. Some of the participants could only check in for an hour or two. WITS sent up an event on FB where we could keep track and encourage each other. Next time, I'll invite you. I'm going to try it again tomorrow by myself and see how it goes.

    2. Excellent! Sounds really well organized -- flexible enough not to be off-putting, but strict enough to actually accomplish something.

    3. Yes! One person posted 0 because she'd been editing. She was cheered for doing the editing. The whole point is to work on a manuscript rather than procrastinating.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.