Wednesday, September 9, 2015


I'm looking at my REAL posts. I'm disappointed in myself. I've gained weight since I started this, more than a stone's worth. I'm walking less. I'm able to do less.

Granted, I had a nasty fall and twisted my ankle again and jammed my elbow.

Then I fell again, re-injurying my ankle and adding my knee.

They shoot horses. I'm not so lucky.

I still can't go downstairs normally. I take one step at a time, sideways. I'm able to go straight upstairs normally, without my knee buckling. Yay!

Arm is still not straight, but a bit more flexible.

I'm still eating myself to death, by all accounts and purposes. Disappointed in myself.

R = Reduce stress. What a nice idea. Totally unrealistic.

E = Exercise. Still doing it, but more limited than ever.

A = Adequate sleep. Inadequate sleep is still the best tranquilizer I know.

L = Lower caloric intake. *snort* Yeah. Sure. Tough to do when fast and easy is the only option. Sometimes, grabbing a Lunchable isn't fast enough, but the best I can do.

I'm working on turning the battle over to God. I'm really lousy at it, but I'm new. I'm good at practicing.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.