Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thank Goodness It's Sunday... 278

~ Jon offers some good advice on writing a book, feeling and trusting God, and worship. The Anima Series Ask Anima:

~ Finished the next round of edits for Reluctant Knight.

~ Chat with a friend at P.croissant while I enjoyed a chocolate turnover and hot chocolate.

~ Chat with my sister at P.croissant and enjoyed a lemon croissant and hot chocolate.

~ Favorite books.


  1. You went to P. Croissant twice in one day? Fun!! That reminds me of my first summer in grad school. A friend would invite me to Baskin Robbins for ice cream, and off we'd go. Later in the day a different friend would say, let's get ice cream, and I'd say, sure! Eating with friends (and sisters) can never happen too many times -- and ice cream is always good.

    1. Actually, one was Thurs and one was Sat. :-) I love the idea of doing it twice in one day. However, with P.croissant, if you aren't there early in the day, all that's left is plain croissants. :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.