Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Food Follow Up

Pepperidge Farm Goldfish: I like the Original. It's really a fancy oyster cracker, which is really a fancy saltine. I like them, and I'm able to control myself eating them.

Pizza flavor is yummy, but I've no control. I'd almost finished the little bag after two days. When I realized what I was doing, mindlessly scarfing the little critters, I threw away what little was left.

Cheddar flavor is yummy, and I'm able to exercise control... nope.

Pretzel flavor is also yummy. The fish shapes are cute, fun.

I have pathetic self-control when it comes to crackers. They're worse than caramels or chocolate. I don't have self-control with potato chips or other snack-type things like Cheetoes. I like them. I can eat them at someone else's house, where I leave them behind. Bah.

This is only a problem in the evening. I have no trouble with bingeing during the day. Sun goes down, and I turn into a ravenous nutcase. Worse, I'm not actually hungry. I'm munchie. I wish I didn't hate gum. Stress takes its toll as the day passes. I'd love to crawl into bed at 8PM, but if I do I'll wake up in the middle of the night, unable to go back to sleep.

Unraveling my eating problems is like unraveling the Gordian Knot.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.