Friday, September 4, 2015

Brain Dump

I was raised to hate the rich. Really. Rich people are selfish, greedy, and the cause of most problems in the world. A few recent examples:

The stock market took a nosedive. I keep up on the news. I knew what happened. The parents only watch the Evening News. I call it the Evening Half-Hour of Lies. I used to watch it, until I caught them in too many lies. I watch occasionally to see what they're feeding the uninformed.

Do I sound snarky? I feel snarky. I hate being lied to, and I mean really, really hate being lied to. I also hate ending a sentence with 'to' but can't be helped. Sidetracked.

What is the reason for this nosedive?

My parents' response: The Rich! They're causing this havoc so they can make money!

Ummm... no.

The Chinese, who are messing with their money like we are, printing money with nothing to back it.

Then there's been the Trump insanity.

What's wrong with Trump?

My parents' response: He's too Rich!

Ummm... no.

He's arrogant. That is not a symptom of being rich. I know poor people who are unbelievably arrogant. He likes to be the center of attention. I know poor people who like to be the center of attention. He's an entertainer. Plenty of poor entertainers. He contradicts himself. Plenty of poor people contradict themselves. He's outrageous. I know plenty of poor people who are outrageous. He says it like it is, sort of. Plenty of people say it like it is. He wields power. The current administration wields power.

He's for the little guy! Oh, really? What he says and what he does fails the continuity test. Sidetracked.

Rich is not a disease. It is not even a symptom of a disease. Yes, money is able to make life easier. It can also make it more complicated. Lottery winners tend to end up poorer than when they won the lottery. It is not about money. It is about the condition of one's heart and mind.

Money is only a thing. It isn't even necessary for life to exist, unlike food, water, air, and shelter.

America has an 18+ trillion dollar debt. Boggles the mind. If every single person on the planet, rich and poor, collected all their money together it still would NOT equal 18+ trillion dollars.

I'm amused and annoyed by rich people who declare that the rich should pay more. If they think the rich should pay more, then why don't they lead by example and pay what they think is appropriate? But they don't. They choose not to do what they demand those like them do.

Hypocrisy abounds.

What they say and what they do is not consistent. So, either they're lying by what they say or lying by what they do.

I'm not impressed by the poor who demand the rich pay more. They keep chanting the "Fair" doctrine. "It should be fair." Fair by who's standards? What constitutes fair? What's fair to one person, will not be fair to someone else. And gathering together a large contingency who agree on what's fair does not make it fair.

Those who sell Christian women and girls as sex slaves believe it's not only fair but their right. Those who buy the slaves also believe it's not only fair but their right. They are entitled.

It isn't about rich or poor.

It's about good and evil.

Money isn't evil. The love of money is the root of evil. Evil demands everything must be fair and in order for everything to be fair is everyone must have everything the same.

God is not a God of Everything The Same.

I'm a bit surprised people don't know this. After all, God created people, billions of them, no two the same. Not even identical twins are exactly the same. God knows each one of His creations. God loves all of His creations, even the ones who bring Him great sorrow.

Only the love of God gives us riches beyond our wildest imagination -- not death, not slaves, not revenge, not what you deserve, not anything selfish. We can not take it, steal it, kill for it, or even die for it. God's love is a gift, and He gives it freely to anyone who wants it. The only condition is we must open our hands and hearts and minds, releasing everything not centered in God, to receive it.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.