Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Update on eating habits...

I finished off the caramels. I find it odd and funny that I take pride in the fact that I threw away a few of the caramels. I'm embarrassed to say that I was actually proud of myself for throwing a few away. Taking my "atta girl" where I can find it.

I've stopped fighting for time in the kitchen and gone for easy and fast. Lunchables are a blessing. Sandwiches work well. Cereal and milk. The occasional frozen dinner  is a nice change of pace. The few times I'm home alone, I cook up hamburger or pasta.

Cheetos are a weakness, as are Pringles, caramels, some cookies, popcorn in the bag, ice cream... these are things I can have somewhere else where my access is limited. I can't have it in the house. An open bag is an empty bag.

Fresh fruits and veggies are not something I can do on a regular basis. After a week or two, the stuff ends up growing beards of their own. Ick. I'm able to keep up with fresh stuff if I do it occasionally.

A bit of good news: I love 60-second Pumpkin Cake in a Mug. Satisfying, easy, fast. Mmmmm. :-)

I've also recently discovered Pepperidge Farms Gold Fish. Really. Did you know that 55 fish is a serving? 55! I'm content with about 30. Maybe I've finally found a cracker I enjoy and won't have to worry about "an open bag is an empty bag."

Side note: No reading. No writing. Finished Self Edits on Reluctant Knight. Good thing, because the next round of edits showed up. I also had dictation that had to be done.


  1. I really struggle with the open bag syndrome. I usually end up finishing something off just so that it is gone and I don't have it around anymore -- like you and the caramels. You deserve that atta girl for getting rid of the bag with some uneaten caramels in it! That's a true test of willpower, seriously!


  2. "...end up finishing something off just so that it is gone and I don't have it around anymore..." YES! I hate that I do that. Thank you! (((Margaret)))


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.