Friday, September 25, 2015

Brain Dump

I watch the news reports about the ancient tombs, sites, art, statues being destroyed by ISIS.

Mosques and Christian churches are destroyed. The mosque will be mentioned on the news, but not a word about the Christian churches.

The news reports on the refugees stuck in train stations. Sad, but they're still alive.

News reports lamented the little boy who drowned when his family attempted to escape.

Not a word is mentioned about the Christians being crucified, beheaded, burned, drowned, or sold into sex slavery. Little girls, the same age as that little boy, are being sold as slaves. Little girls, daughters, sisters, mothers are used as sex slaves, raped repeatedly every single day. Where is the outcry?

Not a word about homosexuals being thrown off buildings and stoned to death.

People are being slaughtered and the news reports on historical sites being destroyed. What about the human beings being destroyed?

The news condemns the loss of things and ignores the loss of life.

I'm stunned by those who are decrying an education crisis among the refugees. The children aren't able to go so school. These families are fearful of losing their lives, day in and day out. Not the kind of circumstances that are conducive to learning.

Priorities people!

Dear God, please bless those brave souls who are battling evil. In Jesus name, amen.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.