Monday, September 14, 2015

Carpe Diem... Richmond

NASCAR ~ Carl came in 11th! Go Carl!

What needs to be done, today?

Dictation needs to be finished.

I'm working on self edits for Reluctant Knight. Yes, I'm waiting for new edits from my editor, but I've already found something in every chapter I've worked on so far.

Just Friends needs a bunch more done... okay, I'm about half way through. It's coming faster. God willing, I'll finish it this week.

Reading. I'm really behind. Writing has taken precedence.


  1. It's good to keep ahead on editing, I think. As long as it isn't officially off to the presses, there is opportunity to make it better -- and you might as well be ahead of the game when you get the edits from your editor!

    We haven't been paying attention to NASCAR lately -- sorry! ;-) Glad Carl is doing pretty well these days. We tend to cheer for Matt Kenseth when we happen to catch a race -- hubby has the Menard hat but he like Matt to cheer for.

    We enjoyed the first real football of the season yesterday -- though it was a bit tense because the Bears turned out to be better than we expected, we still beat them at home, yay! And my very favorite former Packer (James Jones) got resigned to the team last week and was a key to our victory yesterday, so I am very pleased. I just have to get up to Wisconsin now to get his jersey out of storage so I can wear it on game day!

  2. This is the first time I've been staying on top of self edits between official edits. I like this change and plan to make it part of my regular writing regimen.

    I missed the games, yesterday. I completely forgot football had started! I know, heresy. :-) Go Pac!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.