Monday, November 19, 2012

Carpe diem... Homestead...

NASCAR ~ Congratulations to Jeff Gordon on his first Homestead win. Congratulations to Brad Keselowski on his first Championship. Carl came in 12th.

Today, what needs to be done?

Writing, writing, writing, writing, writing... yeah, that.

Not feeling particularly well. The weather is bouncing between too warm and nippy. My body doesn't handle it well. My tinnitus is driving me crazy. I try not to think about it.

I feel like I'm fighting my chronic fatigue again, sleeping for 10 hours and waking up tired. No matter what I do, I'm tired, tired, tired... It's better than what I was dealing with almost 20 years ago, when I slept 12-14 hours a night. That was horrendous. So, I've made some improvement. *pfft*

Fun note for me: My football teams, overall, did well this past weekend.


  1. Sorry you are so tired lately! I'll be praying about that.

    Was this weekend it for NASCAR, or is there more before it finishes up for the season?

    We were pretty limp from stress and I had a sore throat from shouting after the Packer game, but it sure was a good one! We'll be watching the Monday Night Game tonight and cheering for the team that is not from Chicago. ;-) (i.e., San Francisco)

    1. Thank you, Margaret.

      NASCAR season is over until February.

      Congratulations to the Packers! Well done! I was thinking of you! :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.