Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Heroes... Cole Peterson...

I have no idea where Cole is or how he is. We went through grade school and junior high. We went our separate ways in high school.

My sister has been blogging about bullies. It stirred some vivid memories. Sixth grade. I was teased by the other children and even my teacher. I was twelve years old and already suffering from severe acne. You can imagine the creative names. I was socially inept. Some people thought I received special treatment. No one knew what my home life was really like. A few close friends might have had an inkling, but I had already mastered lying. "I was so lucky..."

For the most part, every time the name calling, belittling, and teasing meant to wound commenced I tried to ignore it. I deserved it, didn't I? After all, they never said anything that wasn't true, at least from a certain point of view.

Cole was a jock. Yes, I have a soft spot for jocks because of him. He was cute. He was cool. He was also a bit of a "bad boy." Nobody messed with Cole. Nobody. Not that I remember anyway.

One of the times I was being teased, the teacher had decided to join in. Cole turned the teasing into a compliment, stopping the other kids and my teacher cold.

It didn't last, of course, but I had a reprieve for a while. I've never forgotten.

So, Cole, wherever you are, I hope you are well. If you've taken a wrong turn, I hope you've found your way back, because there is a hero in you. I remember your kindness that day, and on a few others after. The hero in you will never be forgotten. Thank you. It's long past time I said it.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.