Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Have you voted?

I always like to joke that I'm part of the ruling aristocracy because I vote.

Did you know that when this country started a man could not campaign for a local office? If he did, he was disqualified? Each man voted for the person they thought would do the best job. It wasn't a job anyone wanted. It was a duty, meant to be done to the best of one's ability and please let someone else be voted in next time so you could get back to your life.

I laugh when I hear people complain about how nasty the commercials are. Sometime, take a look at the election between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. Scorching.

God bless the Republic.


  1. We were going to vote early last week, but we didn't get back from our retreat in time on Friday. So we're voting today. Hubby is voting this morning sometime, and I'm going this afternoon with my son. They reorganized our districts so we are in a new polling place. Before, it was close enough that we could walk to it, now we have to drive.

    1. I don't know why I like to show up and feed my ballot to the counter. It always makes me jump a little when it sucks the form out of my hand. LOL!

    2. If we had voted this morning, we could have stood in line at the polling place with VP candidate Paul Ryan! That would have been fun.

    3. LOL! Took me about 45 minutes. I went first thing. If I'd waited until after the morning rush, I wouldn't have had to stand in line at all.

  2. Now a days there aren't very many politicians that can do anything to contribute to this country if they left politics.

    1. There's really no one to blame but ourselves since we vote them in and choose to be involved or not.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.