Monday, December 10, 2012

Carpe Diem... editing...

Yes, edits have shown up. This time, it's a lot less stressful.

I have another story that still needs revising. It's due at the end of the month.

I'm considering a presentation and need to finish writing up the proposal. It's also due at the end of the month.

There are several other projects on the table that need my attention because they will reinforce what I'm currently doing. I can do this. I will do this.

I am a writer.

I'm hoping if I make that a mantra, I'll believe it.


  1. With all this editing of the books coming due, are you getting any time for writing up new ideas for new books on down the line?

    1. Christmas is coming. I have plans to explore possibilities... :-)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.