Monday, December 31, 2012

Carpe Diem...

There is only one goal today:

Turn in the manuscript due: Mark's Grace.

I love this book, and it scares me at the same time.

With A Promise of Possibilities, Luck in Love, and Hidden Possibilities, they were all "obvious." One thing lead to another. I hadn't planned to write Mark's Grace so soon. My publisher had other plans. It's been a challenge. I love Grace, and I'm in love with Mark. Fun side note: Jimmy Thomas was the inspiration for Mark. When he hugged me at Glendale's Chocolate Affair, I knew I'd found the type of hero Grace needed. Someone she admired. Someone who could help her feel safe. And it didn't hurt he's gorgeous. :-)


  1. How close are you to accomplishing today's goal? Will be an all day affair to finish up, or do you foresee getting it done with time to spare?

    1. I forgot about "Hidden Possibilities." It's also due, today. So, today is going to be packed.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.