Monday, December 3, 2012

Carpe diem... a new routine...

Today, I'm going to try a new facial routine, using honey, baking soda, and coconut oil. The original article suggested using oatmeal powder, but since I'm allergic I've nixed that idea. We'll see how it works out. The worse that can happen is it doesn't make any difference.

I've a little bit of laundry what needs doing, but not much. Still, it'll be better to finish it than wait until it MUST be done.

Revisions will continue while I wait for edits. It's working out nicely.

Reading is also on the list. It's part of my homework for my career. Poor me.

Routine things will also be done like exercise and healthier meals. Potatoes were on sale, so I bought a bag. I've been enjoying homemade, oven-baked fries ever since.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.