Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Follow up on Monday's plans...

Well, editing is being accomplished. This is good. I like my editor. She's made some helpful suggestions. I think I finally understand tags and beats. I'm almost a third done. Today, I should accomplish a great deal more.

Sigh. No writing. Not beating myself up. We'll see what happens, today.

I finally took some ibuprofen. I'm reluctant to take medication because it doesn't take much to push me into a rebound headache. That's where you take medication to relieve the pain, but you've taken so much the opposite effect is achieved. Yes, I've managed to reach that stage with taking pain medication as little as three days in a row. Not every four hours for three days but once a day three days in a row. Welcome to the world of being oversensitive. :-)

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.