Friday, March 28, 2014

Mulling over eating times...

I've read that you should eat fruits in the morning not the evening.

This week, I've experimented with it. I do feel better when I eat fruits in the morning than I do when I eat them in the evening. Interesting. Never expected that one.

This week, I also added salads into my diet, more fruit, more veggies. I've mentioned before I'm not a huge fan of either one. Neither are my insides. I've had trouble with my innards from the time I was a little girl. I'm allergic to bran, so it's been an ongoing battle my whole life. How I didn't end up dead with the constant inflammation is a miracle.

I cut bran from my diet years ago. It helped.

This year, I cut eggs alone. I miss them less and less.

I'm cutting almonds, and noticing the same effect. I miss them less and less.

The bottom of my right foot feels like I'm walking on glass. This is new. This is not good. I can't figure out what I've done. It might be a problem with my ankle as opposed to a pressure point.

Chronic pain does not bring out the best in me. I'm all ruffled and can't figure out why until I remember some of the pain never goes away. Funnily enough, I'm able to pick myself up and go on more cheerfully once I know I'm not being grumpy for the sake of being grumpy. Yes, I worry about this. I've been accused of it. I spend too much of my days double checking what's me and correcting the lies I've been told my whole life.


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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.