Friday, August 14, 2015

Brain Dump

Climate Change Fanatics* come across schizophrenic. Think about it. They demand you reduce your carbon footprint. You are carbon based. So are they. Doesn't this make them homicidal and suicidal?

*Fanatics: Someone who believes that others should be put in jail (at least) for not believing the same things they do.

The "experts" did not use science to prove Climate Change. They admit that they manipulated data and even changed it to "prove" their theory in order to continue receiving funding. Manipulating and changing data is also called lying. There is nothing scientific about lying.

Climate Change is based on 100 years of hard data. The planet is millions of years old. It's like saying that all people die young by basing the average lifespan on one person who died at twenty-four.

The rainbow is a symbol of God's promise to Noah that He would never flood the earth again. I believe God. However, He has also promised that the next time, the earth will be baptized with fire.

They've discovered that many of California's fires are too often manmade. Setting fires to prove Global Warming is not scientific. It's arson and murder. People die as do most of the critters who live in the area. No, they do not miraculously escape. Harsh facts.

Why do people who demand that Nature be allowed to run its course complain when Nature runs its course? Mother Nature is lazy. Her way of cleaning house is to burn the house down. If you don't want the house to be burned down, then keep it clean. This means clearing out deadwood and underbrush. If you aren't willing to accept responsibility for cleaning up, then don't complain or blame people when Mother Nature uses her scorched earth policy to clean up.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.