Friday, August 21, 2015

Brain Dump...

I saw a news headline about which candidate did the most diet damage in Iowa.


This is news?

Christian women are being rounded up by ISIS and sold as sex slaves. They are raped up to 30x before lunch, one victim explained. She went on to beg anyone to bomb them to end the torture. Girls as young as 9 years old are being brutally raped. There are price lists for slaves as young as 1.

Homosexuals are being thrown off buildings. If they survive, they're stoned to death.

Christians, adults and children, are being beheaded, burned, drowned, and crucified for their faith in Jesus Christ.

Our media titters about calorie counts.

After the Holocaust, people swore, "Never again!"

After 9/11, people swore, "Never again!"

I thought it meant we would never allow such brutal slaughtering of human life.

Planned Parenthood, a Federally funded organization (taxpayers' money), has brutally ended the lives of over 58 million human beings. Innocent, defenseless babies are being butchered and sold in pieces. For the record, selling body parts is a felony.

There is no outcry of "Never again!"

The question begs to be asked, "Never again what?"

Does "Never again" mean anything beyond a feel-good declaration?

Too many are too busy ogling the salacious scandals dished out by a media only interested in pedaling their own agenda. Too many are as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals, void of substance, revealing hearts turned to stone.

I am only one, but I know there are others like me. We silently unite our hearts in prayer, thank God for revealing the truth and beg His forgiveness and mercy.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.