Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Food Fun...

Have you read the most recent update? Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. It was all a lie. There was never any study. In fact, a recent study that was actually done proved that those who skip breakfast lose weight. The 1900s should be known as the century of food lies. Other lies as well, but not dealing with those.

Butter is better. Margarine is no longer available; now, it's called a spread. Eggs don't affect cholesterol the way they thought. No salt in your diet will kill you; your body needs salt as it helps the electricity in your body move around. No fat in your diet will also kill you; for the record, your brain is fat.

Still a good idea to have a little something when you first wake, in the morning. Your body needs to know that you are not going to starve it to death. A banana, apple, yogurt, something to let your body know food is still on the table, so to speak.

I've added a little variety to my meals:

Beef wrap, as in flour tortilla, couple of leaves of Romaine lettuce, diced Roma tomato, taco and nacho pre-grated cheese, and hamburger.

Ham and cheese and bread and butter, couple of slices of ham, sliced and rolled, mozzarella cheese slices, and a roll buttered with my freshly made butter.

Mashed potato, stuffing, green beans, and chicken, Idaho instant mashed potatoes. Sorry, I've tried to do fresh potatoes, and if I do them as oven fries it's easy-peasy. If I want mashed, then it's more work than I want to put in. Boxed stuffing, Kroger brand. French cut green beans. Chicken was part of a baked chicken I bought from Fry's. Easy-peasy. Nuke the potatoes and put into one half of the bottom of a bowl. Heat the stuffing, and spoon into the other half of the bowl. Nuke the green beans and spoon over the stuffing and potatoes. Chicken on top. Yummy and easy. All done in less than five minutes.

Brownie bites, otherwise known as mini muffins; two is about four to six bites.


  1. I don't even listen to health updates anymore! If you just use your common sense for what works for you, you don't need anything else. I, for one, have to eat breakfast; if I don't, I'll be keeling over from low blood sugar. I can skip or go light other meals, but not breakfast. Eggs are my go-to food on my diet, I eat as many as I want! Butter has always been the choice in our house -- I'm married to a former farmer who prefers natural food!

    Instant mashed potatoes are yummy, and definitely easy. I have discovered recently that I really like instant grits. They are a free food on my diet, so I am eating them to replace bread. Think I'll go make some now, to have with my eggs for breakfast! :-)

    1. Smart for not listening to the health updates. They contradict themselves so fast, sometimes, it could cause whiplash. :-)

      I'm allergic to eggs, so I avoid them. I can eat corn once in a while but not as a steady diet.

      This is why God created all kinds of different foods. He knew we would have different needs before we were born. :-)

      Enjoy! I actually had a beef wrap for breakfast this morning. It was yummy.


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.