Saturday, August 1, 2015

My Heroes... God

I don't acknowledge what He does for me often enough. As I sat thinking about my heroes posts, I was too tired to read up on one of the wives of the Found Fathers. So I asked myself: Who is my hero, this week? Who came through in a huge way?

My deadline is here.

Rainstorms have been threatening for the last few days. If there's thunder and lightning, I turn off the computer. This is not conducive to finishing a book. Last night, I needed to finish. A storm rolled in from the east. I'm working on trusting God. I'd glance at the local weather station from time to time. A good way to help reduce eyestrain. I watched the bank of yellow and red with lightning flashes roll across the state. I watched it creep up to about where I live, break apart, and reform on the other side going west.

A little after five, another storm rolled up from the south. Lightning and thunder and buckets of rain. I'd reached the end of the second to last chapter, a good stopping place, for a break. I turned off the computer, ate dinner, did my physical therapy, fed the feral cats, and general caught up on everything that needed to be done. I realized I needed to make some changes to what I'd written. The lightning and thunder moved further north and vanished.

I turned on the computer and wrote, with occasional breaks, finishing at 11:45 p.m., in time to report my word count at the online writing camp I joined this month, for this project. 7502 words added today.

Books done. I still need to finish a  couple forms, and then it all goes in, today, on time.

Thanks God. I could not do it without You.


  1. God is good! How awesome that He showed His power and held back the storms on your behalf! <3


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.