Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Follow Up 08/18

How'd I do?

I'm reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer, 40 Days of Grace by Rich Miller, Amazed by Grace by Sheri Dew, and The Battle Plan of Prayer by the Kendrick brothers.

I did some research and added a bit more to Just Friends.

Wrote and/or prepared a couple blog posts.

Trying to decide what to do. Should I keep my new phone or go back to my old one? I like the simplicity of my old one, though it's kind of bulky and not pretty. I made the mistake of adding little knobs for attaching a clip on piece. I don't use it, so the knobs simply take up space. The new one has too much going on. I'm afraid I may have lost most of my contact list. I'm going to the store, sometime this week, to see if they can help me straighten it all out.

The weather is unusually hot for August, while June was unusually cool, this year. A bit of a flip flop.

Butter was not made. I didn't need it. I don't see the point of making it if it isn't needed. I'll wait until I have some fresh bread to enjoy spreading it all over.

We'll see what today brings.


  1. My 2-year-old phone has decided that the battery is too weak, so it shuts down if I do anything even remotely intensive without being plugged in -- such as taking a call, scrolling through messages, searching the internet for map directions. Hopefully the replacement battery will arrive in the next day or two!

    1. I think all I need is a new battery for my old phone, though I'm afraid I may have lost most of my contacts on my sim card. That's why I want to go to the store and see if there's a way to check and possibly retrieve them. Hope your battery arrives soon!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.