Saturday, August 15, 2015

My Heroes... Elizabeth Wells Adams

Yes, the second wife to Samuel Adams, the one who saw him through the turmoil of birthing a nation.

Boston was a city of 18,000 people and 5 newspapers, not of articles but letters. FB of the time!

Elizabeth was described as "a woman of efficiency and cheerful fortitude..." Wives of the Signers; The women behind the Declaration of Independence. Though Sam was a lousy provider, she wasn't a complainer and possessed a gift for thrift.

She saw the man not the money, not the "car," not the power, not the ambition for more, but a man who's compassion and courage and desire for men to be free ruled his heart. I should think a man after God's own heart.

Horror of horrors, he and his wife were content with poverty.

How many today would call him irresponsible? Wasting his life? Lazy?

We need more people to be more concerned about their fellow man and less about "things." What a remarkable couple. I feel quite humbled reading their story. Their priorities were straight; mine not so much. Good examples to follow.

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.