Monday, April 19, 2010

Carpe diem, Monday, and Reading List #6

How I seized, today: Four loads of laundry (I skipped last week and decided to do bedding and a blanket, today, too). NASCAR Sprint Cup and Nationwide were rained out, this weekend, in Texas, so I watched on FOX and then online, today. Sadly, my driver (Go Carl!) didn't finish either, due to unfortunately events, namely, a pileup that was simply a matter of too many cars in too small a space. That's racin'. Then a broken axel took him out. Them's the brakes... though there really hadn't been a brake problem. I did a bit of catch up for work. I've enjoyed some reading. Did some mending. Watched Wolverine, again. Enjoyed it with a dear friend, last month, and decided it's a keeper. Listened to Glenn Beck's program, and decided I needed to take myself more seriously. I've allowed a few things to slip in my life, and I jumped back in. Thank you, FlyLady. Tackled some piles, reducing and sorting. It's been a productive day.

eharlequin has a book review program: the community reads so many books and more books are donated to needy communities. The only requirement is that 50% of the books you review be Harlequins. Not a difficult assignment for me. This week I've read An Unexpected Father by Lisa Ruff, No Ordinary Cowboy and A Cowboy's Plan by Mary Sullivan, Surprise Dad and Dream Daddy by Daly Thompson, and Meltdown by Gail Barrett. Today, I started Donna Hatch's The Guise of a Gentleman, the second in her Rogue Hearts series. I did a quick skim of the first, The Stranger She Married, and remembered why I love her books. Yes, I've put the serious books on hold, for a little while. I always do, in order to give myself time to think about what I've read. Do I really believe what I've read? Do I agree with it? If I believe it and agree with it, will I actually make it a part of my life?

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Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.