Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Following niggles...

Have you followed a niggle, today? I've pursued several, in the last 24 hours. It's amazing.

Last night, I enjoyed dinner with friends. We finished early, but my ride home hadn't arrived. I took the opportunity to work out an idea I had. I'd been trying to call my ride, but kept reaching the voice mail. An hour and fifteen minutes later, I couldn't sit still a moment longer. I knew I had to leave, now. The walk to the bus wasn't far, and I didn't have to wait long, then it dropped me right at the end of my street. This is what any adult would do without a car. I did it. I wouldn't do it on a regular basis, but I've wondered if I could, and I did.

There's something I've been wanting to do, for a very long time. Today, I started it, rather appropriate since Wednesday is FlyLady's anti-procrastination day. (Just to be contrary, I usual wait until Thursday, but this couldn't wait anymore. Or perhaps more accurately, I've already waited long enough.)

A feral cat delivered in our yard. What to do? I'm putting out food and water, but I worry about too many kittens and not enough space, and things happening to them, like being hit by cars or tortured by unpleasant people. People who like to use them for target practice or worse. What to do? I'd been told there was a group that helped with feral cats. Thank God for Google. Found 'em. Sent an email, this morning. Received an email back, this afternoon. I'll be calling, tomorrow, since they need to know the age of the kittens.

And finally, I loved The Taking of Carly Bradford by Ramona Richards. Her characters grabbed me and made me want to know them better. I also appreciated that she didn't try and put me in the "villian's" head. Gives me the creeps when writers do that. Instead, she wrote it from Carly's point of view. Ramona's message and insights touched my heart. I've added her to my must-buy list.


  1. I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo proud of you! It is so fun to follow you journey these last 2 short months. I have seen so many improvements you have wanted to make get done. You rock!


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.