Saturday, April 3, 2010

Reading List #4 and pickles...

Finished Love, Lilies and Unbroken Straw and loved it! Teri Wilson has two more books coming out, but I don't know when. I'll keep an eye open at Amazon.

Also read A Kid to the Rescue by Susan Gable, who is now on my must-buy list. The title made me leery, as I generally do not like books that require children to be the adults. This one didn't. It made me laugh and cry, sigh and cheer! Susan has another book coming out in a couple of months, and I'm looking forward to it.

Still reading Refuse to Choose. I read a page or two and then think about it for a few days. It's the type of reading, for me, that I have to stop and really think. Am I giving my pat, habitual answer? Or is this really how I feel? Fortunately, I read another book that required me to stop and think, a lot, and I'm learning to do that more often. I often surprise myself by what my answers are when I give myself time to think through rather than give a knee-jerk response.

I'm also finally finishing up Eclipse. I want it done, so I can go onto the next one, though I'm in no hurry, but with the movie coming out this summer, I figure I better get a move on.

As to the pickles, there have been a lot of dam pickles. *rolling eyes* One of these days, I'll learn to drop the first part.

Odd note: Will be watching Sharpe's Challenge, tonight at midnight, since I missed it the first time it showed on PBS. How can I resist Sean Bean?


  1. Wow I wish I could stay up that late to see Sharpe's Challenge, but I know it will be great. Sean Bean is, well, yumm-o, as Rachel Ray would say!

    Glad to see your posts, take care.
    Mary(not anonymous)


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.