Wednesday, April 14, 2010

The joys of being a woman... or not

I've been struggling for the past day or two with feeling on the edge of tears. I can't shut off the negative tapes, and I'm wondering why in the world God would put me here because I feel useless. I was doing so well with maintaining a positive attitude. What happened?

Thank goodness for calendars. I finally found the one I needed. *sigh* Oh. Well, that explains a lot. So, I will be "blessed" with this sense of insecurity and edginess for a while. I might as well stop fretting about it because it will go away, in a week or two or three, depending on the cycle. Maybe I'll remember to have some of my special tea. Oh, that's right! The memory goes with it, which will also return, the same time as my sense of well being.

Add to that feeling cranky, though I want to ask God for help, I remind myself that He got me into this. Wait. I volunteered for this. No, I didn't just volunteer, I voted for this! I have a body. I can't deny it. I voted for it. Thank you Jeff Kelley for that bit of wisdom that has never left me. :-) When Christ and Lucifer presented their plans, I clearly voted for Christ's. So, shut up and buck up. This too shall pass, at least until next month. Isn't that special? *pfft*


  1. you know, just because God got you into this, doesn't mean he won't help you out along the way....just sayin.....(I know I know, on days like this, you REALLY don't want to hear it! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA Love you!

  2. LOL! Of course He helps me out, if I could only remember what to do! ;-D


Brain Dump

In the past, a eunuch is what happened to those who were conquered and enslaved. It hasn't changed.